So the last set of blog posts laid out some of the daunting challenges that I faced over the course of the project. Darkplaces / Quake when the project started in mid-2016 was fairly old, but only when working through battleMETAL did I realize how old.
However, all is not doom and gloom! In this next sections I will talk about the cool success stories. We will get into neat things like the various iterations of the player’s Heads-Up Display, or the game save system. Overall I’d say that in many ways, Quake gives you enough rope to trip yourself with...over a cliff...into the ravine. It's a shoddy metaphor but it is sort of true. Compared to modern game design sensibilities, Quake is clearly lacking but because it starts out so empty you end up with an odd freedom of action to implement your own stuff.
I’m not going to say it was entirely smooth sailing, but I’d like to believe that because of the inherent freedom of the code base, I was able to get a lot of mileage out of such an old engine. I would also like to credit the folks over at insideqc. They have created a great repository of go-to examples and an extensive forum post history that answers most of the straightforward questions you might have about Quake C. If I ran into a situation where I couldn’t find an answer to my question online, I’d go to the fallback - reading Darkplaces source code over on github
So onto the showcase of features that I bashed into an engine whose core is
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