A series of events;
An important part of any game is level design and the game play loop of the level. One of the reasons I chose Quake / Darkplaces is because of how mod-friendly the map making process is...and how well documented it is. Back in my high school days, before learning to code, I had dabbled with making maps for Quake II. iD Tech games all generally used a tool called GTKRadiant for level creation, this was an all-in-one map maker for their games. The tool allowed users to created the full 3D spaces of a Quake level, place map objects like weapons, monsters, and player start zones. It also is where the logic of a map was created. These logic map objects were under sections called trigger_ and func_. They are responsible for making doors that move, elevators, changing maps, etc.
There’s an old joke about iD games using the map design called a ‘monster closet.’ A monster closet is a part of the map where, behind a seemingly normal piece of wall, a monster or two is just sitting there. When the player gets close, or triggers a specific event, the wall opens up surprising the player and dropping monsters on them. This is a joke because if you look at the wall, it doesn’t look like it should logically have any space behind it and what exactly were the monsters doing behind the wall? Taking a smoke break?
For this article, let’s focus on the how of the monster closet. The user in GTKRadiant would create a space behind the wall. They would place monster entities into that space. Next they’d turn the ‘normal’ wall piece into a door. The door, like the monsters, is another entity. Rather than relying on a specified model though, the door entity uses the map geometry its assigned as its model. Then the map designer would create another map object; trigger_once, point it to the ‘wall’. The Quake C would then say, “when the player entity touches trigger_once, open the door.” In this regard, we can say that the map file holds a lot of the game state and logic.
I believed that at least for map design and creation, Quake was a good move. Creating custom entities that the editor can place was fairly straightforward. GTKRadiant uses a text file to define all the possible map entities that can be placed before compiling the map into a format that Quake can read. By adding my own battleMETAL objects to this text file, I found it was easier to create maps specifically for battleMETAL - including the really cool aspects like Nav Points and Objectives ( we’ll get to those in a bit). Unlike AI which I covered previously, the map logic schema for Quake is surprisingly flexible. The map editor GTKRadiant uses a series of ‘definition’ files containing text, usually called entities.def. This file contains the definitions for entities to be placed on the map.
The definitions must link to function names in the Quake C code. For example, the definition for an enemy AI looks like this in the .def file:
/*QUAKED unit_human_mech_sniper (1 0 0) (-14 -14 -20) (14 14 20) <spawn flags>
<description text here>
The “QUAKED” is the head tag for an entity definition, the next piece is the function name “unit_human_mech_sniper” which should be defined in the Quake C code exactly the same wording. From what I can tell, the map compiles the entities and converts the function name either to a reference or compares the function name to all the functions in the code to find a match. Once the game finds the right function, it creates an entity and then calls this function on that entity. Whatever code is written in unit_human_mech_sniper is then run immediately.
The next series of arguments are as follows: color in GTKRadiant, and the bounding box size. The color is for color coding the entity in the map editor, making it easier to tell entities apart from each other. As for bounding box size, that is also shown in the editor, but will also be passed to the engine when the entity is spawned. Quake C code can override the bounding boxes if it is needed. Spawnflags are an important piece of data for both the editor and the engine. Flags are a data storage concept used in general coding. They hold a series of “yes or no” sets in a single variable usually by using binary math. For our purposes here, every entity has a spawnflags field which can set up certain “yes or no” choices when the entity is created. The exact wording is up to the coder, so one entity might have DROP_TO_FLOOR for a spawnflag while another has START_INACTIVE. The map editor will render these as checkboxes.
Finally there’s a the descriptor section, it is here that normal text will be rendered in the map editor but has no relation to code in the game. This section is for any relevant info about creating, placing , and using a map entity. Altogether this system is fairly easy to understand and extend for modding. Debugging is nice as well, if engine can’t parse the entity from the map, it simply removes the entry and logs the result into the console.
Now that we have context for the maps, we can do quick overview of the game logic itself. Every gameplay instance in Quake takes place on one of these maps files. The map is loaded up when the server switches to the desired map file. In Quake C this before the Main() function is run, the main is the entry function for the Quake C. StartFrame() is any code you want to run before the engine runs all other code in that slice of server time. From here the game instance if open-ended, where the ‘end’ of a map can be determined in a few different ways. Vanilla Quake used round timers, kill counts, and map entities to end a game instance and load the next map. For battleMETAL I needed something a bit more sophisticated, seeing as how the game is descended from different DNA.
battleMETAL is inspired by mech sims, in which part of the simulation was of more authentic military scenarios. This meant that the player is given a set number of ‘objectives’ to achieve before the scenario is ended. The objectives sometimes were destroying things, but other times it was just visiting a location on the map or protecting a base of buildings from an attacking enemy. So, to achieve a similar setup as I created some custom map objects - the Objective, and the Nav Point. I also extended the game engine to load in a text file called a “mission file.” The world map entity would have a variable that pointed to a specified mission file that was loaded to the player’s view when they connect to a map. The code I wrote also sends a unique objective ID for each objective on the map. This is linked to a list of objectives in the mission file. Together, they communicate objectives to the player both during the briefing and game play.
Of all the things I found to be difficult with battleMETAL, this was surprisingly not one of those things. The configuration of GTKRadiant is fairly well documented and extending the functionality of making maps for my specific game turned out to not be a lovecraftian nightmare, unlike other parts of the project….well except for those 3D terrain meshes…<sigh>.
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