Monday, June 18, 2018

battleMETAL - Why Quake / Darkplaces - Part 4 - The Game Loop

...and looping through it
The core of any game is the ‘main loop’. There’s a reason why we developers throw around the word ‘engine’ when talking about games. The best analogy I use is a car engine. The car burns fuel, which moves pistons that turn a camshaft. That camshaft then turns a belt called the ‘timing’ belt. The timing belt is the clock of the car engine. A game engine is very close to this. The base code is setup to run through a series of functions in a specific order, and there’s a ‘timing belt’ that keeps internal time. In Quake that ‘timing belt’ is a variable nicely called time.

Entities, remember those little guys from earlier? also form the only true ‘object’ for the Quake C language. Quake C is a cut-down version of the C language, which is powerful but does not do ‘objects’ very well. Quake C gets around this but ever so slightly. There is only 1 type of entity and all extensions to that entity are given to every entity. What this means is, if there is a custom value, such as ‘weapon type’ for an entity, every entity will now have this variable regardless if it used by that entity. This design paradigm is a blessing and a curse. The blessing is that it means creating customized entities is as simple as just assigning values to the programmer’s desired variables. The curse is that it means the code will bloat-up really fast, leaving hundreds of entities with unused values.

When a player launches a game of Quake, after going through the menu system, and launching into a desired map; the engine creates a list of entities. Almost every object on-screen is an entity. Quake organizes its entities into a list, or more specifically in-code, an array. The wonky aspects begin here. This array of entities has a fixed limit, ie how many total entities the engine can have ever. Original Quake can only handle about 640….Darkplaces however upped this cap to 32,768. Quite an improvement, eh? However there’s still a quirk remaining. The array of entities in Quake is more like a slot-system. Each of those 32,000 places in the array is a slot with a number. When the code wants to create a new entity, it finds the next available slot to place the entity...based on where the slot counter is. It is never a guarantee that the next entity the code creates is right after the current entity the code is on.

This also kinda creates a problem with removing entities. Quake never technically ‘removes’ an entity from the array. Instead, it ‘zeroes out’ the entity’s variables, removing things such as any model assigned to it, and other variables. This is was an intentional design by iD Software. Although there’s a difficulty in determining if any given entity is ‘empty’, it allows the system to ruthlessly clean up ‘unused’ entities to keep system cost down. Darkplaces keeps this paradigm in place, allowing for a fast run through of all the entities in the main array.

Entities can be invoked with the spawn() which returns an entity, usually the code will load this entity into a variable for modification: local entity foo = spawn(). From there, the programmer then must assign the variables they want to go into the entity. If the programmer wants the entity to do something in the future, they would assign a .think() function. A think() function is any code that is executed every time that entity is activated in the entity array. There are several other ‘template’ functions that can be used for various parts of entity behavior. Want to have custom code run when one entity touches another? Give that entity a .touch() function.

A programmercan also create their own child functions for the parent entity, such as entity.thisFunction(). And thanks to the code being C-like; this specific function can be whichever function the coder wants to point to. This allows for neat tricks where a set of entities can have the same function, .thisFunction() but for each entity, the actual function is completely different, like this example:

  Entity A

     .myFunction() = fireWeapon_Type_1()

  Entity B

     .myFunction() = fireWeapon_Type_2()

So when the code calls .myFunction(), if the entity is A, then fireWeapon_Type_1 is called. There’s a bunch of other C language quirks that are leveraged in Quake C, but that’s drilling down into programming language design.
Despite some of the limitations with the programming language, I liked the straightforward approach to the code design. 

I figured I could apply higher level code principles to the Quake C language to get around some of its limitations - a fine example is using the Factory Pattern for entity creation. I don’t need to rewrite the same entity customization when making, say, a missile entity. Instead, I can invoke a makeMissile function that does it all for me. Entity cleanup is a bit trickier, and checking if an entity is truly ‘empty’ or ‘null’ (in code parlance) remains a problem that has to be accounted for. Writing interfaces was sort of out of the question, but I think the entity object in Quake C qualifies as an abstract class which is super helpful.

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