Monday, May 21, 2018

battleMETAL - The Dare - Part 2

(this one is a bit lengthy, some paragraphs are skippable :P)
How it all started
I had been doing the exercise of designing games since 2008, but those early efforts were plagued with poor planning and lack of knowledge. I give 2012 as a starting point because that was the year I sat down and said “I am going to make a video game.” No, this game wasn’t battleMETAL. This was Project Redshift, what became known as the game Zond. Zond is a top-down, Asteroids-like game built in Java. The player commanded any one of the classic Space Race era spacecraft in combat missions. I never really finished the game and you can learn more about it by going here.

Zond fizzled out for various reasons, both technical and non-technical, however I learned a lot about the process of game making. The project wasn’t large enough to bury a one-man team, but its features challenged me as a programmer. It also gave me a crash course into core game code design and some of the paradigms used commonly in game coding. After Zond, I cast about for a few years making other attempts at video games, most work was exploratory and mired in technical debt. It wasn’t until 2016 that I thought about making another ‘serious’ go of ‘it’.

When you are the Devil’s Advocate in a case against yourself

So here comes 2016, and I’ve been wondering what game to make. A long time ago I remember reading a quote that has stuck with me - “Make the games you want to play.” I can’t remember who said it, but it has become a mantra that I believe in. Make the games, you want to play, ignore the gaming zeitgeist and make what you want. What games do I like to play? Simulators….but not just any….mech simulators. Ever since I fired up Mechwarrior 2 back in the ancient past of 1996, Mech Games have been one of my all time favorite genres of game. There’s nothing cooler than stomping forward, deflecting a hail storm of cannon fire, in your armored leviathan. An avatar of war, a walking tank. To fight another mech is to engage in a knightly duel of old, or like two Aces in WW1 biplanes, or two prize fighters in boxing. I love the motifs of mech games, the themes, the spectacle. Sadly by 2016 the gaming zeitgeist had declared mech games to be very dead.

See, by 2016, Simulators are a kinda dead genre. No large company is really making them, for whatever reasons (I could get into that but its heavily opinionated salt). My only options as a gamer to get some mech action in the style of Mechwarrior was really only Mechwarrior: Online and that in my opinion is super depressing. Mechwarrior: Online is a pale shadow of what mech games can be and what Mechwarrior games used to be. That previous sentence was opinion, if you weren’t sure, but it's important to know that because that leads into the impetus for making battleMETAL. So I ask myself - what is stopping me from finally making a mech game? I’ve been kicking around ideas for a few years, along with talks with close friends about concepts and design for mech games.

The initial stopping point was technology. I tried working with Unreal 4 but at the time in 2015, I found the UI overwhelming for a single developer to really get traction. I thought about Unity but it looked like I’d face the same uphill challenges as Unreal, at the time, remember - hindsight is everything. Thinking about my options, I dredged up an idea from the past - what about Quake? To make a side story short, I was familiar with making Quake II maps back in 2002 / 2003 or so, and had read about a few source ports of the Quake 1 engine, namely Darkplaces. Quake 1 also had its own specific C-style language that was purpose built for modding Quake.

It sounded like Darkplaces was a good ‘my first 3d engine’ to really dive into, it felt approachable. Functionality was literal, not hidden behind splashy UI. Here’s an example: to get texture effects like light-reflection and bump mapping? Simply add 2 files - <your texture>_bump.tga, <your texture>_gloss.tga. Darkplaces had a built-in file system for loading and caching game files. Rendering was secondary, I’m not a graphical artist by trade so I was prepared to make a game that looked ‘ok’. Another plus for Darkplaces was that it had a network-layer built into the game as well as entity management. There’s a power to game engines where you can just start coding the fun stuff...and a danger.

Then came July 4th, 2016. Having just finished a barbecue with friends at our apartment, I sat down to do some really dumb tests with Darkplaces. In one evening, I replaced the Player model with an old mech model I had made in 2015, and I changed the weapon model to a cockpit mesh I made sometime in 2013 / 2014. Here were the results:

 These screen shots are Quake but I replaced the Player model with my own mech model and replaced the First-Person gun model with a cockpit.

And that was one evening! My head exploded with ideas, drawn in with a “well this doesn’t look so hard” mentality. As we’ll see over the next 1.5 years, that was the definition of short-term success hiding long-term pain. Eventually I fought through the ‘necro-tech’, realizing just how obsolete a game engine Darkplaces really is. Through it all, it still is one hell of an adventure into game design. battleMETAL is a case where I played Devil’s Advocate for myself, why not a mech game right now? Why not just ‘get it done? The mantra I’d end up using throughout the entire project as the months wore on became:

Perfect, is the enemy of good.

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